Dental and Vision Insurance
We offer a few different companies for dental and vision because everyone’s situation and needs are unique.
One thing to keep in mind is that when you use dental coverage, the service you are receiving is “re-priced”. In other words, you receive a discount price on whatever you are doing and then the % of coverage is applied. That initial repricing can be a huge benefit. Additionally, when you use a dentist who is not in-network, the insurance company pays at a rate that they consider “reasonable and customary”. If your dentist does not accept this pricing, they can balance bill you. For these reasons, it is always best if your dentist participates and is in-network for whichever plan you select.
If you require a little help narrowing it down, give us a call — we’re happy to help!

- Delta is the only plan that will waive all the wait periods if you are within 2 months of being on a previous plan
- Delta has a very large network of dentists
- Maximum is $1,000
- There are wait periods when you sign up (if outside the 2 months of being on a previous plan)
- Humana has plans that pay a little the first year, a little more the second, and after you have been on the plan for 2 years and 1 day (yep, that constitutes 3 years), you have the most benefits available to you
- Has plans with higher maximums
- Humana eye plans include glasses only every two years